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Health Plan Self-Funded by Miles IT and Administered by Imagine360

To whom it may concern:
Miles IT is an IT services company located in New Jersey with over 500 employees throughout the U.S. Our health insurance plan is self-funded by Miles IT and administered by Imagine360.
We are a fully compliant (ACA, HIPAA, ERISA) health insurance plan that is audited annually.
We want to make sure that our employees and their family members are able to receive the quality healthcare that they deserve. We also want to make sure that your practice is paid for your services.
Our health insurance is an Open Access Plan. We have NO network restrictions. We work with ALL healthcare providers. Our employee, or their family member, will only be responsible for a reasonable copay that is identified on their health insurance ID card. Through our plan, our company will ensure payment of your services. You can call our third-party administrator (TPA) at 866-206-3224 if you would like to verify our employee’s or their family member’s eligibility.
Submit your claims to our TPA:
EDI: Payer ID 48143
Mail: Imagine360, P.O. Box 749075, Dallas, TX 75374-9075
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach the plan administrator, John Bialous, at or at 609-760-8488. We are here to help make this process as smooth and easy as possible for your practice.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.